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Complaints Procedure

At My Clothing we aim to provide high quality, responsive services at all times.

There may be times when we do not provide the level or quality of service that we have promised or that customers can reasonably expect. We aim to deal fairly and effectively with anyone wanting to complain about any of our decisions or products. Our complaints handling approach is strongly linked to our company values.

When dealing with and responding to complaints we will:

• Have respect and understanding
• Be open and honest
• Take responsibility
• Keep our promises

Who do I contact?

Please get in touch with our friendly customer service team on support@myclothing.com and include full details of your complaint, as well as your full name, order reference number and full address.

Alternatively, you can call us on 0800 059 0594 (option 2).

How long will it take to resolve my complaint?

We aim to resolve all complaints as quickly as possible. In most cases you’ll receive our final response within 2 weeks from receipt of your complaint. However, as you can appreciate the actual time it takes to resolve matters will depend on the complexity of the issue. If we’re unable to resolve your complaint within 2 weeks, we’ll explain the reason why and tell you when we expect to be able to resolve it.